
Staple Chambers

Staple Gardens, Winchester

A mixed-use development of ground floor offices and 10 residential units to the upper levels replaces a poor quality 1960’s office building and its frontage car parking in the city centre’s Conservation Area. The scheme reinstates the original street frontage and repairs the rhythm of the street; the four bays of the new building echo the traditional bay widths found throughout the walled city. T2 architects worked with Heritage Consultant Richard MacCullagh of RMA Heritage to arrive at a contemporary design which was accepted by the Historic Environment Team at Winchester City Council. This redevelopment has ensured a viable future for the site and completes the regeneration of this part of Staple Gardens. The scheme was shortlisted for a City of Winchester Trust Design Award in 2015.

Client: Staple Chambers Developments
Status: Completed 2014
Value: £1.5m